Section 3-8-1. Definitions.


"Lobbying" means communicating directly, or soliciting others to communicate with a member of the City Council or any City Board or Commission the members of which are appointed by the City Council for the purpose of aiding in or influencing such member's decision.


"Professional lobbyist" means any individual who engages directly, or is engaged by any other person, for remuneration or for any consideration for lobbying. "Professional lobbyist" does not include any volunteer lobbyist, any government official or employee acting in the professional lobbyist's official capacity, any individual who appears as counsel or advisor in an adjudicatory proceeding, or communications or conduct by an attorney-at-law when such communication or conduct is made on behalf of a client whose name has been identified and when such communication or conduct constitutes the practice of law.


"Volunteer lobbyist" means any individual who engages in lobbying and whose only receipt of money or other thing of value consists of nothing more than reimbursement for actual and reasonable expenses incurred for personal needs while engaged in lobbying activities.

[Source: Ord. 1107, 1994; 1824, 2022]

Section 3-8-2. Disclosure. Any professional lobbyist within 5 business days after engaging in lobbying the City Council or any City Board or Commission (or any member thereof) the members of which are appointed by the City Council, shall file with the City Clerk a written disclosure statement on the form provided by the City Clerk. Such disclosure statement shall contain:


the professional lobbyist's full legal name, business address and business telephone number;


the name, address, and telephone number of any person by whom the professional lobbyist is employed;


the name, address and telephone number of any person for whom the professional lobbyist will be lobbying; and


the name, address and telephone number of any person by whom the professional lobbyist is paid or is to be paid for such lobbying.

[Source: Ord. 1107, 1994; 1824, 2022]

Section 3-8-3. Annual Renewal. Disclosure statements shall be effective until January 15 of the following calendar year. A professional lobbyist shall file an updated disclosure statement on or before January 15 of each year unless at that time the professional lobbyist is no longer a professional lobbyist.

[Source: Ord. 1107, 1994; 1824, 2022]

Section 3-8-4. Unlawful Lobbying. It is unlawful for any person to employ for pay or any consideration, or pay or agree to pay any consideration to, an individual to engage in lobbying who has not filed the required disclosure statement except upon condition that such individual file such disclosure statement forthwith in accordance with this Article. It is unlawful for any person to engage in professional lobbying without having first filed the required disclosure statement with the City Clerk in accordance with this Article.

[Source: Ord. 1107, 1994]